
#EnFotos l Protestan en la CDMX para exigir justicia por la muerte de Ariadna

Decenas de mujeres salieron a las calles de la Ciudad de México para exigir justicia por la muerte de Ariadna, una mujer de 27 años que fue encontrada sin vida en una carretera de Morelos.
lun 07 noviembre 2022 06:17 PM
  • Protest demanding justice after the death of Ariadna Fernanda Lopez, a 27-year-old woman who was found dead on a highway in Morelos state, in Mexico City
  • Protest demanding justice after the death of Ariadna Fernanda Lopez, a 27-year-old woman who was found dead on a highway in Morelos state, in Mexico City
  • Protest demanding justice after the death of Ariadna Fernanda Lopez, a 27-year-old woman who was found dead on a highway in Morelos state, in Mexico City
  • Protest demanding justice after the death of Ariadna Fernanda Lopez, a 27-year-old woman who was found dead on a highway in Morelos state, in Mexico City
  • Protest demanding justice after the death of Ariadna Fernanda Lopez, a 27-year-old woman who was found dead on a highway in Morelos state, in Mexico City
  • Protest demanding justice after the death of Ariadna Fernanda Lopez, a 27-year-old woman who was found dead on a highway in Morelos state, in Mexico City
  • Protest demanding justice after the death of Ariadna Fernanda Lopez, a 27-year-old woman who was found dead on a highway in Morelos state, in Mexico City
  • Victoria Rodríguez Ceja, gobernadora del Banco de México, en la 87 Convención Bancaria en Acapulco
  • Ramírez de la O, 87 Convención Bancaria en Acapulco
  • Xochitl-sheinbaum-maynez.jpg
  • Protest demanding justice after the death of Ariadna Fernanda Lopez, a 27-year-old woman who was found dead on a highway in Morelos state, in Mexico City
  • Protest demanding justice after the death of Ariadna Fernanda Lopez, a 27-year-old woman who was found dead on a highway in Morelos state, in Mexico City
  • Protest demanding justice after the death of Ariadna Fernanda Lopez, a 27-year-old woman who was found dead on a highway in Morelos state, in Mexico City
  • Publicidad
  • Protest demanding justice after the death of Ariadna Fernanda Lopez, a 27-year-old woman who was found dead on a highway in Morelos state, in Mexico City
  • Protest demanding justice after the death of Ariadna Fernanda Lopez, a 27-year-old woman who was found dead on a highway in Morelos state, in Mexico City
  • Protest demanding justice after the death of Ariadna Fernanda Lopez, a 27-year-old woman who was found dead on a highway in Morelos state, in Mexico City
  • Publicidad
  • Protest demanding justice after the death of Ariadna Fernanda Lopez, a 27-year-old woman who was found dead on a highway in Morelos state, in Mexico City
  • Agua purificada en Benito Juárez (5)
  • compensacion-economica-divorcio-mexico.jpg
  • Publicidad
  • amlo-clausura-bancaria.jpeg